1 Mild disease

Children and adolescents most often experience a mild course of illness when infected with the corona virus. The mortality rate for healthy children who contract covid-19 is less than 0,0003%.

According to a scientific study by Jonas F Ludvigsson, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, not one child died from covid-19 during the first wave in Sweden. The study comprised nearly two million children up to 15 years of age. Fifteen children were cared for in the ICU for MIS-C, a multi-inflammatory syndrome. Their average stay in the ICU was four days. Four of those fifteen children had underlying diseases.

2 Dangerous vaccines

Covid-19 vaccine is more dangerous for children than the disease covid-19. The number of reports of adverse reactions due to covid-19 vaccination has reached an all-time high. More than 90 000 reports have reached “Läkemedelsverket” during 2021. The number of adversities is probably much higher as under-reporting is substantial.

This could be compared to the 7.999 reports registered in 2020 for the total number of pharmaceuticals administered. During the period 2009 to 2010 there were 4380 adverse reactions reported due to Pandemrix, the vaccine against the swine flu. This vaccine caused narcolepsy in hundreds of children in Sweden.

Concerning the covid-19 vaccines certain adverse reactions have turned out to be especially common in young people. Myocarditis is one alarming example thereof. Considering the possible risks of these vaccines and the fact that we still know very little about them, the precautionary principle urges us to refrain from vaccination or to wait.

3 Experimental vaccines

The Covid-19 vaccines are still experimental and only conditionally authorized. The clinical trials, which the drug companies are required to implement, are still ongoing. Pfizer´s trials will be completed on May 2, 2023.

Those trials have been criticized. Pfizer´s vaccine was tested on merely 1131 children aged 12 to 15 for two months. Thereafter also the control group was vaccinated.

Never before has this type of vaccine with mRNA technology been used on humans on such a large scale. Those vaccines contain problematic ingredients like polyethylene glycol, (PEG), polysorbate 80 and lipid nano particles, which accumulate in different organs in the body according to the study which the Japanese state requested from Pfizer.

4 No long-term studies

It´s impossible to roll out adverse reactions which will produce injuries in the long term. Doctors are worried that those vaccines can have negative impact on the immune system and the fertility. Furthermore, they fear that the problems might be aggravated with every repeated injection.

Safety data for the vaccines from both the medium and the long-term perspectives are still missing. Children and adolescents may live for another 55 to 80 years. For those groups unknown harmful long term adverse reactions will give much more negative consequences than for elderly people. If injections will be given several times a year for a foreseeable future, the risks will in the end amount to astronomic levels for the young.

Vaccine recommendations assume that the expected advantages are of much more weight than the risks for adverse reactions. For children and young people, the covid-19 vaccines have potentially high risks, at the same time as the benefits from them are low.

5 Promises which are not kept

The vaccine manufacturers and the authorities promise more than they can keep. The vaccines do not protect against transmission. After a few months their protective effects have substantially been reduced. Consequently it`s considered necessary to obtain regular booster doses.

Many vaccinated people test positive with the covid variants. Those are called breakthrough infections.

It´s of great importance to understand the difference between relative and absolute risk reduction when judging the efficacy of a vaccine. Pfizer, which only reports the relative risk reduction, states that Comirnaty is 100% effective for 12- to 15-year-old children. They make this statement based on their study comprising 2260 children. In the placebo group 18 children tested positive for covid-19. In the vaccinated group there were no reports of positive tests.

The difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated group was very small, however. The vaccinated group had a risk reduction of just a little more than one percent, compared to the placebo group. It ought to be added that quite a few of the children in the vaccinated group suffered from adverse reactions due to the vaccine.

6 Children as shields

It´s unethical to expose children and young people to risks with the purpose of protecting adults. Unselfish behaviour, like organ donation and blood donation, always otherwise is based on free will. Never have we given children that shielding role. Transmission from children to adults is low and adults working with children do not show increased mortality rate in covid-19.

7 Treatment exists

For children, adults and people in risk groups there are both vaccines and different types of medical treatments if they contract covid-19. Cortison, anticoagulants and monoclonal antibodies are examples of medical treatments used in health care units. Moreover there are supplements like vitamin D, zink, vitamin C, Quercetin and medicines like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Admittedly they are not recommended by Swedish authorities but numerous international medical teams do so. Those medicines are most suitable for early treatment which will reduce the risk for severe disease and hospital admittance for the infected patients.

8 Natural immunity

Natural immunity after an infection is broad, reliable and more effective than vaccine induced immunity. Natural immunity also protects well against new variants of the virus.

A big proportion of children have already been infected and are immune. This is shown by data from Israel where vaccinated individuals have a much greater risk of contracting covid-19 than those who have obtained natural immunity. After two years of pandemic most children and young people either have natural immunity after having had the covid-19 infection or from cross-reactive immunity from other corona viruses.

We do not need to vaccinate children to reach herd immunity.

9 Do not use coercion

To promise children that vaccine is the ticket to a normal life is a form of coercion. Children might be tempted to do their bit to help to stop the transmission. They want the society and everything around themselves and their families to go back to normal. If we, the adults, try to coerce them into a decision it will be nearly impossible for them to make the risk/benefit analysis concerning the vaccines themselves.

10 We can wait

Covid-19 is harmless for almost all children and young adults. They are protected by their natural immunity. We can ascertain that those infected get the treatment they need. If they get early treatment they do not need to be admitted to hospital.

We can wait to vaccinate children until we know more about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. We do have time to wait until vaccines which we know are effective and completely safe have been produced.

It´s unwise of the authorities to coerce parents into vaccinating their children. If later it will be proven that many children have been injured by the vaccines, there will also be a risk that the public trust in the general vaccination programme for children will be reduced.

Sources point 1

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Sources point 3
https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-biontech-announce-positive-topline-results-pivotal#:~:text=The study is evaluating the,6 months to 2 years

Sources point 4

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Sources point 6

Sources point 7

Sources point 8

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