We on the inside. A personal story.

For me, 2021 began with a severe existential anxiety. The pressure from outside created polarization and severe contradictions in my very immediate family. It made me reflect on what’s important. Freedom of opinion. Freedom of speech. To respect each other. The importance of balanced information flow. And not least the right to one’s own inner- and bodily integrity.

It became clear to me how important the relationship with those closest to us is regardless of what opinions we have as well as the importance of setting boundaries. On my part, 2021 has meant that I have become even closer to a family member. We have both decided that our love and respect for each other is more important than anything else. But I have also lost the relationship with another family member, who is unfortunately unable to respect my boundaries.

Everything is forced to the surface. 2021 was the year I decided to be true to myself and stand up for my children.

Common denominator

The frustration of feeling small and alone grew during the spring. I was overjoyed when I found Us together in August. Rallying around a lowest common denominator, the medical freedom of children, appealed to me. All other opinions are unimportant here.

In the autumn, all kinds of people have really been added to our network. We are people from both the left and the right. We come from different cultures and origins. We have different religions, different levels of education and experiences. We’re young. We’re old and everything in between. We are parents of young children, teenage parents, parents with adult children, adults without children, grandparents, siblings, neighbours and friends. Everyone shares the common denominator that we care about the health and future of children.

There are also many adults who have chosen to take the jabs recommended by the authorities, but who still choose to abstain for their children. They cannot see the benefit of vaccination against covid to the children and are strongly opposed to vaccine passports and coercion. Many people feel that it is insanity to give this jab to the children.


Of course, we are all unique, but at the same time we are also completely ordinary. If there is one thing that would be unusual about us, it is probably that we have not reflexively swallowed the official propaganda narrative that we´ve been fed. Instead we chose to seek more information and find out for ourselves. We questioned the lack of critical scrutiny of the official narrative.

The media is trying to paint a picture that we are a homogeneous group that would somehow be extreme and violent with a lower intellect than normal. However, the blackwashing does not seem to work, and more and more people are beginning to question the official position of the authorities.

They’re trying to put a label on us. They say we are anti, but we are pro. We are pro free debate, transparency, freedom, and life itself.

Looking ahead

I envision how we build new networks. We create new relationships and together we can create the world we want. They say that alone is strong, but we need each other now more than ever. Together we want to create an opportunity for people to find like-minded friends. Together we create a popular movement that contributes to change.

When I joined, Us together, I was all alone in my city. Now I have found several amazing new friends. If you are alone, do not despair, but reach out and make yourself known. We are here and there are guaranteed to be more like-minded people around you. You just haven’t found each other, yet.

For those of you who have already become many, it will be important to strengthen the ties and to meet regularly. We help you with ideas and practicalities if you want. There is tremendous strength in getting together and starting to get to know each other.

We can also arrange online meetings. It’s not like meeting physically, but more valuable than you might think. Several of my newfound friends I haven’t had time to meet physically, but they mean a lot to me anyway.

Darkness may have descended upon us. Together we light the path that leads to the future we want, for ourselves and for our children.

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