Here you will find exercises for the Reaching others material. Feel free to practice together with others. It is in the dynamic with others that we can be challenged and quickly improve. It is also possible to practice by yourself. With minor adjustments, you can do most of the exercises on your own.
In part four, we explore what makes conversations compelling and thought-provoking. When information is presented in a story, it reaches us deeply. Metaphors can provide instinctive understanding. With questions, we can gently guide others' attention to a place where we can reach a common truth.
The third part describes how we interpret reality with an internal map. If we do not understand each other's maps, we talk past each other and find it difficult to reach each other. With an understanding of how public narratives are constructed, we can see which pieces of the puzzle need to be added to the map. When we understand how propaganda is constructed, we can more easily detect when it is used.
The second part describes how our mind works and gives us a better opportunity to reflect on how we and others act and react. This foster a sense of inner security with which it’s easier to engage into challenging conversations. We also gain an understanding of the thoughts of others and this leads us to a more inclusive approach.
In the first part, we show how our mindset and our relationship with each other affects our ability to reach others. An approach characterized by cooperation and a positive mindset makes it easier to reach others. Our mindset is something that we ourselves can influence even if that can be challenging
With the help of knowledge in psychology, behavioural science, marketing and neuroscience, we have developed a material that is set at a reasonable level of understanding for the common man. We believe that anyone reading this text will be able to understand key ideas behind it and learn how to have successful conversations.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services conducted an elaborate marketing campaign to get more people to take covid vaccine in the spring of 2021. Among other things, this authority booked an appearance with the President and asked the show hosts of the entertainment shows to get vaccinated on live TV.