The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) conducted an elaborate marketing campaign to get more people to take covid vaccines in the spring of 2021. The details became known when HHS was forced to disclose the data.

The campaign was part of a $10 billion effort to increase interest in covid vaccination. Those are breath taking figures, ten times more than Pfizer’s cost of developing the product. The campaign was dubbed We Can Do This and featured many startling initiatives, including:

  • To book appearances by President Biden and Vice President Harris where they speak in favour of vaccination.
  • Among other things, to get the big entertainment shows on TV to show the hosts being vaccinated on live TV.
  • To get the talk shows on TV to include post-vaccination reunion features with regular Americans talking about what this means to them. For example, being allowed to hug grandma for the first time since the pandemic began.
  • To create a social-media campaign with unexpected pairings of “rival” celebrities encouraging each other to get vaccinated: Nicki Minaj and Cardi B., Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, James Bond and Jason Bourne for example.
  • To ask the social media giants TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram influencers to film themselves as they get vaccinated and start a campaign of funny music videos about getting vaccinated to encourage others to also create contents and social media posts.
  • Place a reliable messenger on The Joe Rogan Experience to promote vaccination.
    Make a joint effort with Walmart with videos for in-store displays, at points of purchase, and for information at pharmacies.
  • Team up with Disneyland for vaccination events as theme parks reopen.
  • Work with writers from Hollywood to get vaccination messages into scripts and reality shows.
    Create a photo background for social media to be used at vaccination sites so people can celebrate with the campaign after taking the jab.

Source: We Can do This Covid-19 community corps, HHS,

Source: Judicial Watch Uncovers Biden Administration Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Vaccine, Judicial Watch, 2022-10-04,

Source: Biden covid propaganda plan exposed—Tom Brady & Joe Rogan targeted!, Judicial Watch, 2022-10-04,

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Launches Nationwide Network of Trusted Voices to Encourage Vaccination in Next Phase of COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, HHS, 2021-04-01,

Source: We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, HHS,

Source: Biden administration commits $10 billion to fight COVID vaccine inequities, CBS News, 2021-03-25,

Source: The Price Tags on the COVID-19 Vaccines, Managed Healthcare Executive, 2021-03-15,

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