Our op-ed (Stop the National Agency for Education’s sexualization of schoolchildren [1]) in The Epoch Times attracted attention and debate. The Swedish National Agency for Education also took note of the post.

The Swedish National Agency for Education wrote a response to our debate article, (Citizens’ initiative spreads inaccuracies about Swedish curricula [2]), and then raised two clear objections. They stated that there is nothing about sexuality in the curriculum for pre-schoolers and that the National Agency for Education has not been influenced by the EU or the WHO when sexual education is now changed and brought forward to younger age groups.

Otherwise, the National Agency for Education seems to accept our description of what is happening in school. They do not dispute that schoolchildren are sexualized.

In our reply, (Reply: It is the National Agency for Education that does not stick to the facts [3]), to the Swedish National Agency for Education’s response, we show that the WHO’s extreme standard for sex education already has a significant influence on the content of Swedish pre- and elementary schools.

Feel free to read the texts yourself and decide if the National Agency for Education succeeds in minimizing the impact of change in sexual education and the bringing forward thereof to young children.


  1. Stop the Swedish National Agency for Education’s sexualization of schoolchildren, Epoch Times, Martin Lantz, Aida Reva, Maria Gontevas, Jesper Kekki, Lorena König, Marianne Liljeholt, Tina L Hedenquist for Vi tillsammans, https://www.epochtimes.se/Stoppa-Skolverkets-sexualisering-av-skolbarn
  2. Citizens’ initiative spreads inaccuracies about Swedish curricula, Epoch Times, Roger Persson – Acting Head of Unit at the Swedish National Agency for Education, https://www.epochtimes.se/Medborgarinitiativ-sprider-felaktigheter-om-svenska-laroplaner
  3. Reply: It is the National Agency for Education that does not stick to the facts, Epoch Times, Martin Lantz, Aida Reva, Maria Gontevas, Jesper Kekki, Lorena König, Marianne Liljeholt, Tina L Hedenquist for Vi tillsammans, https://www.epochtimes.se/Replik-Det-ar-Skolverket-som-inte-haller-sig-till-fakta
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