Conservative countries outmanoeuvred the coup-like attempts of Western countries to advance their sexual agenda at this year’s UN Population Conference held in April 2023.

The European Union (EU) and the United States tried to force their sexual ideology for children into a UN resolution on education.  After three weeks of negotiations, controversial wordings were suddenly added to the resolution at 10.30 p.m. on the eve of final adoption. A not uncommon trick on the part of Western countries giving other countries little time to analyse the new language and to get instructions from home.

The European Union, represented by the Swedish delegation led by Anna Karin Eneström, and other Western countries were on the verge of succeeding in adopting the resolution which promoted comprehensive sexual education (CSE) and sexual autonomy for children, something they have been trying to do for over a decade without success. In an effort to ensure this outcome, the US and the EU earlier in the week sent separate emails to the Moldovan chairman announcing that they would not accept a final document that did not include a reference to sexual education.

But then something happened that no one had expected.

At the time of adoption of the resolution, dozens of delegates took the floor expressing “grave concerns and disappointment” over the way in which the chairman chose to address the priorities and positions of some delegations in comparison with those of others.

A disappointed delegate from Pakistan eloquently accused Western countries of holding education policies hostage until all countries submit to their sexual agenda. She recommended Western countries to implement the extreme sexual education within their own borders without imposing the same on other countries.

No one was prepared for the manifestation of solidarity and diplomatic skill which was exhibited by countries from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. After hours of statements showing that there was no consensus, the chairman of the conference was forced to withdraw his proposed resolution.

Source: Analysis: Arrogant Western Countries Outplayed by Developing Member States at the UN, Lisa Correnti for C-Fam, 2023,

Source: Traditional Countries Stop Biden Administration Sexual Agenda for Children, Lisa Correnti and Stefano Gennarini for C-Fam, 2023,

Source: 9th meeting of the 56th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD56), UN,

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