We are republishing our op-ed in The Epoch Times here. [1]

There has been a gradual change in sex education in schools as it has crept down in age and become increasingly explicit. Nowadays, children in preschool are taught things that many parents are unlikely to consider appropriate at this age. This is not part of the school’s mission and needs to be stopped. This is the opinion of the campaign group Vi Tillsammans.

Children are curious about everything and want to understand how the world works and that includes their own body. It is not uncommon that among our memories of nursery school there is something that was forbidden. As adults, we can joke about it. But what has developed in the last few decades, is no longer a joking matter.

Our naïve wish to think the best of everyone and a blind trust in our institutions has meant that everyday life for our children in preschool looks completely different today from what most parents imagine. An increasing focus on children’s sexuality is now apparent. “Some children fiddle with their dicks or nipples when they are resting. They think it feels nice.” This is what it says in the illustrated book “Snippor och snoppar” (Vulvas and Willies) from RFSU, which has been distributed in Swedish preschools since 2007. [2] The book depicts a day in nursery school. It tells the story of a boy who wants to draw himself naked but with a vagina instead of a dick. The children are asked which genitals they would prefer to have and if they would like to make a change.

“Somchai must take off his trousers and underpants so that ‘Doctor’ Axel can listen to his bottom with a stethoscope and give him an injection. Somchai feels a tingling and warmth throughout his body when he lies naked and is examined by Axel … Then Maria turns around and Axel listens with the stethoscope on her stomach and vulva. Maria thinks her body feels lovely when she is examined and her cheeks are completely red and warm.” [2]

RFSU has a virtual monopoly on sex education in pre- and compulsory school. In its guidance for pre-school, “Children’s Sexuality”, RFSU emphasises that “the very ability to get an erection, become moist in the vagina and have an orgasm is something that everyone is born with”. [3] RFSU’s excessive fixation on children’s sexuality is worrying. The guidance is part of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).

All-round and holistic sex education sees children as sexual beings who should be encouraged to explore their sexuality from birth. These ideas are described in detail in the standard for sex education that the World Health Organization (WHO) together with a Swedish researcher developed back in 2010. It describes how 0–4-year-old children should be encouraged to masturbate and play doctors, to explore gender identities and learn how to withhold or give consent to sexual activity. [4]

Frequently bring up conversations about sexuality, relationships and the body with the children so that it “becomes part of everyday life”, advises the RFSU guidance. When pre-school children look at and touch each other’s genitals this can be a great opportunity to give the child positive feedback and knowledge that leads on to a positive and healthy sexuality. Any educator who feels worried about this can direct attention away from the sexual aspect, RFSU suggests, keeping in mind that when a child puts “a Lego piece in the vagina or anus”, it is no stranger than “poking a pea into the nose”. [3]

The same sexual approach to children has also reached child health care centres (BVC). The chapter Children’s sexuality in the National Handbook in Child Health Care is a literal copy of RFSU’s writings. [5]

In the 2019-2020 school year, a new educational program for kindergarten children was launched in Spain. It included the activity suggestion “sensations” that would teach children to masturbate. The practical exercises are explained, “exploring masturbation in childhood is a normal way to feel pleasure and learn about yourself.”

The instruction to pre-school staff says: “Play soothing music and ask them to lie down and relax. Those who want to can get up and grab an object and start to caress or give a massage to another child in the group. Explain to them that pleasant and desirable sensations can also be achieved with your own body. Those who want to can explore their ability by repeating the activity individually.” [6]

In defiance of many people’s ethical and moral beliefs, children are increasingly being served sex from the authorities. Wouldn’t everyone involved—both children and adults—feel so much better if, for example, the School Board had stuck to what we expect of it? To help our children gain the basic skills they need to succeed in future professional and everyday life.

We in the campaign group Vi Tillsammans believe so and we urge Sweden’s parents and teachers to put an end to the authorities’ sexualisation of our children.

Martin Lantz, Anna Kuperion, Marianne Liljeholt, Lorena König, Tina L Hedenquist, Maria Ekdotter, Nina Kollind, Aida Reva, Maria Gontevas for Vi Tillsammans


  1. It’s time to stop schools sexualising our children, Epoch Times, https://www.epochtimes.se/Det-ar-dags-att-stoppa-skolans-sexualisering-av-vara-barn
  2. Snippor och Snoppar, RFSU, 2007, https://web.archive.org/web/20230408014402/https://www.rfsu.se/globalassets/pdf/snippor-och-snoppar.pdf
  3. Children’s sexuality – a guide, RFSU, 2015, https://www.rfsu.se/globalassets/pdf/barnssexualitet_web.pdf
  4. Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe, WHO & BZgA, 2010, https://www.bzga-whocc.de/fileadmin/user_upload/BZgA_Standards_English.pdf
  5. Children’s sexuality – The National Handbook in Child Health, https://www.rikshandboken-bhv.se/tillvaxt–utveckling/barns-sexualitet/
  6. Coeduca ́t Guidelines for Emotional and Sex Education for Preschools, Catalonia Regional Government, 2020, https://salutsexual.sidastudi.org/resources/inmagic-img/DD76413.pdf
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