VIDEO: Dr Sture Blomberg gives a talk on the risks of corona vaccination for children and answers viewers' questions. The production arranged by Läkaruppropet) and Vi tillsammans.
It is unethical to put children and young people at risk to protect adults. How can it be right to exploit children's willingness to help in this way, when we know that the vaccines do not work, that they neither protect against the spread nor against infection?
The drug Thalidomide was approved by the Medical Board in 1959. It caused birth defects. In total, 10,000 children were born with physical defects in 46 countries, many of whom died shortly after birth.
Studies show that you almost always develop a natural and permanent immunity after having contracted a Sars-Cov2 virus (covid-19 infection.)
Children usually get a very mild Covid infection, if they even notice it. The risk of severe Covid is extremely low.
Vaccines are given to the public to prevent serious disease. Usually the risk of serious disease is small, therefore the risk  for serious side effects of the vaccine given must be very small.